Pressure Pumps

Pressure pumps boosts the pressure and volume of water flowing from your faucet or shower head. Life with low water pressure is inconvenient. You’re well aware if you’ve ever tried to shower under a trickle of water and had to turn in circles just to get wet. Low water pressure can make simple tasks like bathing and brushing your teeth difficult, but a booster pump could be the ideal solution.

What exactly is a water booster pump?

EBARA pressure pump increases the flow and pressure of low-pressure water. It gives you the extra boost you need to get your water pressure to the desired level. A water booster pump generates pressure to move water from a storage tank or throughout a home or business.  

What is the cause of low water pressure?

  1. Gravitation 

Gravity either accelerates or retards the flow of water. The lower the water pressure, the higher the elevation at which water must be delivered. Not to mention that a gallon of water weighs more than 8 pounds. Gravity wants to send water back down if it travels uphill or up several floors. Buildings that are lower than their water source may not have the same issue. Skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and multi-story homes and businesses necessitate the use of a large booster pump to move water up many stories.

  1. The distance between the water source and the house:

Water pressure is affected by the distance between the water source and the size of the water pipes. If your home or business is at the end of the water supply line, the water flow may be low by the time it reaches you. Furthermore, if your water pipes are too small, less water will flow through your fixtures.

  1. Inadequate city water pressure

Even if your house is below the water supply line and your plumbing pipes are clear, you may still have low water pressure. Low water flow can be caused by low-pressure water from your local water plant.

  1. Additional Water Supply System

Additional water treatment systems or other water fixtures in your home provide clean water but may reduce your water pressure. Adding a booster pump can help you regain water pressure.

  1. Plumbing issues

If low water pressure is caused by gravity, transportation, or other systems, a water pressure booster may help. Plumbing issues, on the other hand, may be the source of the problem at times. Examine your plumbing before purchasing a water pressure booster. The pipes could be clogged, or the pressure reducing valve could need to be adjusted.

What is the operation of a booster pump?

A booster pump increases water pressure and, in many cases, flow rate. A booster pump functions similarly to a fan. A fan has blades that spin around to increase air movement, and a booster pump has an impeller inside that does the same to increase water flow and pressure.

What parts make up a booster pump?

Most water booster pumps, regardless of manufacturer, have the following core components:


The inlet and the outlet

Pressure or flow sensing apparatus

An impeller in a booster pump moves water that enters through the inlet and exits through the outlet. The impellers are spun by a motor. Booster pumps differ in how they draw in and push out water. A spinning propeller is used in some water booster pumps, while an oscillating diaphragm is used in others. Pumps with oscillating diaphragms propel water by employing two oscillating or rotating plates, one with cups and the other with indentations. As the plates collide, they compress the cups, forcing the water out. More water is sucked in as the plates roll open.

Is a water booster pump going to increase pressure and flow rate?

EBARA Hydro Booster system raises water pressure, causing water to flow more quickly through plumbing pipes. However, there is a pump curve to consider: The flow rate decreases as the pressure required to move water increases.

Consider placing your thumb over a garden hose. Water comes out at a higher pressure as you do so, but the flow rate is limited due to your thumb. A booster pump functions in the same way. It delivers the most water at the highest flow rate at low pressure.

Water moves at a higher flow rate when it exits the pump without any kind of restriction. When a pump is installed in a house’s plumbing, the flow rate is slower and the pressure from the pump is higher because the water must travel uphill around bends in pipes through a kitchen faucet.

How do booster pumps work?

Booster pumps are used to increase low water flow in water systems or industrial equipment, as well as to transport water from a lake, pond, or storage tank for use in a home or commercial building. A pump is required to increase low water pressure in a household that does not receive enough pressure from the city water supply. To send water all the way to the top story of a hotel, a large commercial booster pump is required.

A booster pump can also be used to re-pressurize water from a storage tank and distribute it to a faucet or throughout a home. Water collects in a storage tank, for example, in a rain harvesting system. The water must be pumped out of the tank and into the house before it can be used to flush toilets or wash laundry. To move the water, you would use a booster pump.

A booster pump for the home

A single water booster pump can increase water pressure throughout a whole house. Well water users may want to increase the flow from a low-recovery well to their home on occasion. Water production from low-recovery wells is insufficient to meet household demand. To pressurise the water in the house, a water pressure booster draws water from the well water storage tank.

A private well that does not produce enough water to meet daily demand necessitates the installation of a storage tank to allow the well to fill over time and a home booster pump from the tank to meet daily demand.

Booster pump with a tank for expansion

A boosted system can benefit from an expansion or hydropneumatic storage tank. When water expands, the tank provides extra space for it to go and prevents the booster pump from cycling on and off every time you turn on the faucet. Pumps with flow switches may hesitate when starting up. A small expansion tank eliminates this hesitancy. A larger tank can hold a greater volume of water, which is referred to as drawdown. This amount of water is drawn from the tank before the pump is restarted. A larger tank can provide drawdown volumes in a private well system, reducing pump cycles significantly.

Is a booster pump required?

A booster pump is the best option if you have low water pressure that is not caused by a leak or if you need to increase water pressure for a specific application.

When shopping for a booster pump, consider the following questions:

What is the flow rate of my water? Calculate how many gallons of water you get per minute, taking into account all fixtures. Discover how to calculate flow rate.

How much water do I require? Consider how much water your family or business consumes.

Is the source of water above or below the pump? Consider whether your water must travel uphill or several stories.

How much pressure am I looking for? Many people prefer high water pressure when showering, but excessive pressure can damage plumbing, fittings, and appliances. To maintain water pressure, most homes have a pressure reducing valve where the water line enters the house. Pressure in excess of 60 psi wears out the household plumbing system.

The type of booster pump you require is determined by how much water you use, the desired pressure, and the location of your water supply. If you have a large house, for example, a booster pump capable of supplying pressure to the second or third floor may be required. Applications requiring a lot more pressure, such as reverse osmosis systems with low feed pressure or water with a high TDS (total dissolved solids), require a lot more pressure.

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